Thursday, September 6, 2012

Shock and Awe

There are hundreds of games that come out every year from indie to block buster games. With all of them being released there are always a couple that will get media time because of questionable content and scenes of destruction. Last year there was a couple of games that almost got banned in a country because they destroyed something that is important to the people that play. One of the major thing publisher have to be careful with is who is the enemy in the game is.
A little history on the US rating system ESRB it was made after the original Mortal Combat and other games were release do to their violent nature and the rating system is EC, E, E10+, T and M. Some ways companies try to get around a ban is to take that content out of the game, change names of group, and have that part skip able. Some example of this is in Fallout 3 they disable half of the power of atom quest do to the ones country's history, Metal of Honor they change the name of the enemy in the multilayer and in Modern Warfare 2 you are able to skip able the mission no Russian.


  1. I didn't know that video games worked around a ban! Also, in the game Brutal legend they have an option to accept or decline the inappropriate content. Honestly, i didn't know that Medal of Honor had multiplayer.

  2. That's interesting. I didn't realize there even was a ban on some content, although I knew about the rating system.
